Hidden Gardens Of The Royal Mile
Take an easy walking tour to discover a little-known side of Edinburgh's Old Town
Greenyonder Tours
02 July 2016
Tour Starts
14.30 Outside John Knox House, (Scottish Storytelling Centre)
43 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1SR
Tour Ends
16.15 (approx) Outside the Scottish Parliament
£8.00 / £6.00 concession or for all three tours £20 / £15 conc
SEE ALSO Patrick Geddes | New Town Public & Private Spaces
A walking tour which covers the history of the city centre through the ever-changing relationship between green space and the built environment. The tour shows how people - both past and present - have claimed pockets of space to make small gardens, whether in gap sites, or in historic public places. As well as highlighting inspirational examples from both past and present, the tour also considers some of the obstacles to claiming urban breathing space.