
To what extent is the subject of Architecture and the Built Environment explored in schools? How can this be improved or expanded, to further the links between architecture and the current curriculum in both architectural and teaching practice?
Eileen Hall
Eileen Hall Creative Production
Jake Bee
Bobby Lee
The City of Play
Andy Law
Reiach and Hall Architects
Neil Brady-Campbell
Reiach and Hall Architects
Calum Duncan
Calum Duncan Architects
SAT 02 July 2016
10am - 1pm
Edinburgh Centre For Carbon Innovation
High School Yards
Edinburgh EH1 1LZ
To attend, please email
Experiments in Space \o/
Bus Stop
Exploring the urban realm with artisit Jake Bee
Dance and Architecture
Experience architecture though dance
with architect Calum Duncan and choreographer Matthew Hawkins
Place Awareness through Sensory Experience
Architecture through the lens of mindfulness with Eileen Hall
Imaginative Mapping
Workshop with Bobby Lee of The City of Play
While engaging with our immediate built environment every day of our lives, we do not necessarily feel empowered or have the confidence to influence or affect positive change to our surrounding architecture, streets and public spaces. We believe a closer engagement with these fabulously interesting issues will mean our future cities, towns, villages and green spaces will benefit in terms of practical usefulness and design quality. By improving the level of discussion for school children, we are encouraging more knowledgeable construction and planning professionals, future clients and local community members and neighbours.
Some inspiration \o/
Arkki School of Architecture for Children and Youth
Image Credit: Montpelier Community Nursery, AY Architects