Edinburgh, Too

Photographer Robb Mcrae seeks to expand the visual representation of Edinburgh by documenting the various architectures in existence beyond the World Heritage Site
Robb Mcrae
08-10 July 2016
Fri 08 July 10am-6pm
Sat 09 July 10am-11am / 1pm-6pm
Sun 10 July 10am-4pm
Fri 08 July 6:30pm-9:00pm
Gayfield Creative Spaces
11 Gayfield Square
Edinburgh EH1 3NT
15-17 July 2016
Daily 10am-5pm
New Glasgow Society
1307 Argyle Street, Glasgow G3 8TL
It is the norm for a place to be visually defined by its centre. But a place is more than that, wider. Beyond the World Heritage Site there is Edinburgh, too: contemporary, present, vital. Documenting the city’s western suburbs is not meant to supersede the better known Edinburgh of the city centre. Why replace one absolute for another. Exploring these neighbourhoods is to offer an accompaniment to what we currently see. To expand Edinburgh in our minds-eye: to widen the visual narrative and representation of the city.
Image copyright Robb Mcrae