Children Designing

Inclusive creative design process with children and young people: an exhibition at The Ramp House, Portobello
Thea McMillan, Ian McMillan, Chambers McMillan Architects
15 - 17 June 2018
FRI 5 - 7pm
SAT & SUN 12 - 4pm
The Ramp House
9E Bellfield Lane
Edinburgh EH15 2BL
An exhibition demonstrating the research and practice of children’s creative workshops, and how they are used to structure and inform the design process, and create participatory spaces.
The Yard Dundee is a live, ongoing project, actively involving disabled children in creative workshops, which inform and develop the design process for an inclusive indoor outdoor play centre, supporting and enabling disabled children and young people, and demonstrating how inclusion makes the built environment richer for all.
The Ramp House is a living example of both inclusive spaces and a participatory design process, and will provide a place to consider this further.