Voices of Experience: She Makes She Changes

Showing of 30 minute documentary film, She Draws: She Builds (2016) and panel discussion with the filmmakers and invited ‘makers’- of buildings, movements, books
Jude Barber, Suzanne Ewing, Nicola McLachlan
Film & Discussion
THU 21 June 2018
5.30pm - 8pm
Glasgow Women’s Library
23 Landressy Street
Glasgow G40 1BP
Documentary film, She Draws: She Builds, is directed by Sarah Akigbogun, with Anna Schabel and Chloe Tayali. This film shows edited interviews with fifteen architects over a period of about three months in 2016. They asked questions about initial decisions to study architecture, their practice as architects today. This project has many synergies with Voices of Experience: Architecture in Conversation, and for this first Scottish showing of the film, we host a panel of guests, including the filmmakers, historian Diane Watters, Architects For Change members Elsie Owusu and Selasi Setufe on broader examples of women ‘creators’ in the historic built environment, to explore how ‘She Makes: She Changes’.
Vimeo She Draws: She Builds Trailer