A Guide to Being Unsustainable

In a world where sustainability is an impossible ambition, the team at A Guide to Being Unsustainable will answer your questions on subjects ranging from fashion to gardening, travel to relationships and whether is God sustainable
Chris Stewart, Isabel Deakin, Caitlain MacLeod, Paul Barham, Mark Orme, Jamie McCallum, Scott McAuley, David Seel, Kirsty Cassels
Participation, Event
FRI - SUN 07 - 23 June 2019 Online
TUE/ WED 14/ 15 June 2019 Event at SEDA Conference
£12.32 - £90 TICKETS
Fully accessible / Children welcome
We live in a world which over uses the term sustainable there are multiple meanings. This is partly because the ultimate definition renders our world as unsustainable, eventually everything finite comes to an end. Should greater emphasis be given to the joy of life while it is still with us or should we stave off the impending horror for as long as possible. A Guide to Being Unsustainable explores what makes life bearable and why that is not at odds with what we think sustainability mighty be. The Scottish Ecological Design Association has published the first two parts of the guide which will be brought together into one lifestyle magazine. If you have any questions that need answered please write to our team on subjects ranging from fashion to gardening, travel to relationships and that big question, is God sustainable? All letters and answers will be displayed on the web site at www.seda.uk.net/guideunsust and a selection will be included in the final publication.
SEDA 2019 Conference and AGM, Blending Ecological Practise: Dialogues, Wood and Water based around Forres on Speyside on 14th and 15th June please refer to the Eventbrite for further details including speakers, visits and ticket prices. The event will include a short presentation about A Guide to Being Unsustainable Letters Page and the opportunity to complete from a template your own letter to one of our Unsustainable experts, some of which will be in attendance at the event. The letter template will be posted up on to our website for anyone to download, complete and return to c.stewart@collectivearchitecture.co.uk or at our twitter address @GuideUnsust from now until the end of the ArchiFringe Festival.