Filter/ Boundary/ Borderline

Sanctuary in an age of saturation: An exhibition exploring refuge and the everyday boundaries we build to keep an overwhelming world at bay
Tamsin Ghislaine Cunningham
SAT - SUN 08 - 30 June 2019
MON - SAT 10.30am - 5pm / SUN 12pm - 5pm
The Lighthouse
11 Mitchell Lane
Glasgow G1 3NU
Fully accessible / Children welcome
We live in an age in which we are exposed to more information, more news, more cultural influences, more points of view, more noise than ever before. Are we equipped to deal with this much saturation? In this exhibition, artist and architect Tamsin Ghislaine Cunningham explores the ways in which we seek refuge in a sometimes overwhelming world and the acts of filtering, muting and managing we are all engaged in as we create our own boundaries and borderlines around the quiet refuges that help sustain us.
When so much of both our physical built environments and our online space are designed around stimulation and the capturing of our limited attention, where does space exist for retreat? And as the world gets ever noisier, how can we design quiet and expansiveness into the fabric of our lives?
#tamsinghislaineart #filterboundaryborderline