Pecha Kucha 28 - Art, Design, Architecture and the City

Test Unit is a project conceived and developed by Agile City / TAKTAL, in partnership with A Feral Studio and BAXENDALE.
Quickfire talks from speakers exploring alternative approaches to city development.
Weds 6th July
The Whisky Bond
More info & tickets:
Weds 6th July
7pm @ The Whisky Bond
We'll be hearing from those enriching our cities and experimenting with new techniques and partnerships that are pushing at the boundaries of urban development. From artists, developers, architects and designers we'll glean insight into new perspectives of how we can challenge and break the current process of how, and by whom, our cities are made.
Neil Butler, UZ Arts
Chris Fremantle, Land Art Generator Initiative
Liz Thomas, HERE + NOW
Santini Basra, Anthen Studio
Sarah Strang, Civic Room
Andy Milligan, PARK(ing) Day
Frank Bölter, artist
Kate Darby, KDA & co-founder of Studio in the Woods
Rebecca Davies, Oasis Social Club
We'll also be hearing a mid-point update from the 4 groups taking part in the Test Unit Summer School.