A community design & build event facilitated by HERE+NOW as part of the Fountainbridge Canal Festival, come and make a Space to Sit!
HERE+NOW with the Meanwhile Fountainbridge community
18 June - 15 July 2016
Sat 18 June 2016 11am - 4pm
Meanwhile Fountainbridge
Dundee Street / Viewforth
Fountainbridge, Edinburgh
Asked earlier in the year by the Fountainbridge community to facilitate a project which celebrates the last year of 'Meanwhile' activities at this site, the HERE+NOW team are inviting local community, interested individuals, and architecture / landscape architecture students to design and then build a seat during a one-day hack to coincide with the Fountainbridge Canal Festival on 18 June.
We'd like to fill the shared space footpath route with unique and hand built furniture, which we can then take out to other meanwhile projects across Edinburgh later in the summer. To kick things off, we invited anyone interested to meet with us at the Fountainbridge Community WikiHouse on Thursday 12 May. We had a briefing meeting to talk about logistics for the building day on the 18 June, share ideas, and for those that wanted - form teams to take the seat ideas forward. If you missed out on the briefing meeting, don't worry - it's not too late to get involved! Send us an email and we can tell you more about how to develop your design and collect your materials ready to join us for the build day on 18 June!