Our Built World: Architecture and the Urban Environment

Our Built World: Patrick Geddes and Modernism
Murray Wiegratz-Hope, Russell Clegg
TUE 18 June 2019 / 10am - 4pm (Modernism 2 Geddes, Abercrombie & Pepler)
£20 - 30 TICKETS
(the event on the 11th has been unfortunately cancelled)
Patrick Geddes Centre, Riddle's Court, 322 Lawnmarket
Edinburgh EH1 2PG
Level Access / Lift access / Accessible WC
Patrick Geddes has been cited as inspirational by generations of architects and planners. George Pepler & Patrick Abercrombie were instrumental in shaping post-war Britain but were they really Geddesian? How much of the modernist movement stemmed from Geddes work and would the father of modern planning have loved what was done in his name? Following an initial exploration of the context and influence of Geddes, Dr Alistair Fair (Lecturer in Architectural History and Director of Research, Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture (ESALA)) will explore various realised and proposed ‘modernist’ interventions within Edinburgh’s city centre. Participants will have the opportunity to interrogate original designs. After a light lunch, Alastair and colleagues will lead the group through public space interventions of differing generations in the Royal Mile area.