Lost in Play: Collective Personal Storytelling
Nooma Studio
Lost in Play: Collective Personal Storytelling is the first of a new periodical zine publication about Unlearning Through Play from Nooma and friends of the studio.

This year’s Architecture Fringe Festival is based on the theme of [UN]Learning - a recurring theme in NOOMA Studio’s work and a topic that is very much close to our hearts both professionally and personally as a collective design studio.
From the outset it was obvious that our response needed to be conversational and true to our belief in the effectiveness of collective play-led storytelling. We asked members and friends of the studio to each submit a personal spread that responds to the theme ‘[UN]Learning Through Play’ which has captured a snapshot of our studio discourse in zine form.
Engaging with the festival this year has given us an opportunity to look deep within and to open a dialogue amongst our wider network on the theme of [UN]Learning. It has encouraged us to ask what more can be done to shake off the inherited knowledge and social structures that perpetuate the social injustices that we seek to deconstruct?
We hope that you find some enjoyment in the page of the Zine and that you can join us for a conversation at our roundtable talk on 15th June
Project Documents
Click the link above to download and read the PDF version of Lost in Play by Nooma Studio
Image Gallery
Project Events
NOOMA Studio x Calum Duncan Architects will present and discuss this work, in an online talk and workshop
On 15 June 2021 Nooma held an Exquisite Corpse workshop as a way to create new playful co-created narratives:
Participants where asked to draw a top, middle or bottom. In response to a memory or a personal story. This story was about something disered to be unlearnt/ an experience of unlearning or a memory of being genuinely lost in play.