Redhall Walled Garden / Therapeutic Gardening, Design & Well-being

An opportunity to discover the ethos and delights of the community garden and to contribute to the ongoing process of transformation
Nikki Cole, Redhall Team Leader
Designer / Ex-volunteer Simon Whatley
with Scottish Association for Mental Health
19 July 2017
9:15am - 3:30pm
09:15 Tea & coffee / 09:45 Guided Tour / 11:15 Tea & coffee / 11:30 Workshop / 13:00 Lunch / 14:00 Workshop / 15:30 End
Redhall Walled Garden (SAMH)
97 Lanark Road
Edinburgh EH14 2LZ
Redhall Walled Garden is a beautiful 18th century walled garden that offers a safe environment for people to learn to deal with the challenges of recovering from enduring mental health problems.
The organic, community garden and surrounding estate provide individuals with direct connections to nature and a social support structure that is conducive to mental and physical well-being. A guided tour of the garden and estate will be followed by workshop activities focused on the design of a new teaching kitchen cabin, verandah and associated landscaping.