High LAND / Fearann

A day of talks, workshops and conversations on cultural and creative activism in the context of contemporary land debates in the Highlands // Latha de dh’òraidean, bùthan-oibreach agus còmhraidhean air cultar agus iomairteachd chruthchail a’ togail air deasbadan an latha an-diugh mu fearann air a’ Ghàidhealtachd
Mairi McFadyen, Raghnaid Sandilans, Zoe Prosser
Talks, workshops and conversations
SAT 09 June 2018
1.30pm - 9pm (talks/sessions start at 2pm)
FREE (food available to buy; BYOB)
Abriachan Forest Classroom
Inverness IV3 8LB
This year the Abriachan Forest Trust celebrates 20 years since it took ownership of local land on behalf of the community. This story is part of a much bigger story of land reform in Scotland that has its radical roots in the Highlands. A generation later, what can we learn from the story of this place? How do we see our Highland landscape today? What will the Highlands of the future look like? How do we light the touch papers for generations to come? What knowledge, skills and tools do we need for today and for the future?
Followed by a barbecue, bonfire and music into the evening.
Age 18+
Am bliadhna seo tha an Abrichan Forest Trust a’ comharrachadh 20 bliadhna bhon do ghabh iad stiùir air fearann ionadail às leth na coimhearsnachd. Tha an sgeulachd seo mar phàirt de sgeulachd nas fharsainge mu ath-leasachadh fearann ann an Alba ‘s aig a bheil freumhan radaigeach air a’ Ghàidhealtachd. Às dèidh 20 bliadhna agus ginealach, dè ghabhas ionnsachadh mu sgeulachd na h-àite seo? Ciamar a tha sinn a’ faicinn cruth-tìre na Gàidhealtachd an-diugh? Cò ris a bhios Gàidhealtachd na h-àm ri teachd coltach? Ciamar a lasas sinn falaisgear de bheachdan dhan an ath ghinealach? Dè an t-eòlas, sgilean agus innealan a dh’fheumas sinn gus a bhith nur saoranaich dealasach agus cruthachail aig an àm seo fhèin agus airson na h-amanan a tha romhainn.
Tha cuireadh romhaibh cuideachd gu teine-aighir, biadh ‘s ceòl feasgar.
Fo aois 18+