Spoon carving and architecture

Spoon carving live: An opportunity to watch an architect carve a spoon, have a go yourself and engage in conversation about timber detailing in Scottish contemporary architecture and design
Anna Wynne, Hannah Clinch
WED 13 June 2018
Bear Makes
Drumsyniebeg Farm
Argyll PA24 8AN
Bear Makes is a design practice set up by architect and maker Anna Wynne.
Anna invites to Drumsyniebeg Farm near Lochgoilhead, to watch her carve a spoon out of local timber. Whilst carving Anna will talk through the process of timber sourcing and selection and highlight the hand tools and techniques used to ensure that each spoon is beautiful, durable and designed for purpose.
Participants will be encouraged to try spoon carving, talk timber detailing and to explore the recently renovated Bear Makes studio.
Refreshments provided.
Bookable accommodation available. Contact Anna for accommodation pricing.
#spooncarving #maker #bearmakes #dsbeg #birch #argyll #timberdetailing #tacittacit #scottisharchitecture #cpdforarchitects