
Does the University have a Right to the City?
Nathan Bower-Bir, Ruby Kelman, Nina Marsh
Walking Tour / Panel Discussion
Walking Tour
TUE 12 June 2018, 1pm
**Meet at**
Pollock Halls
18 Holyrood Park Road
Edinburgh EH16 5AY
Panel Discussion
SUN 17 June 2018, 12noon
Institute of Geography
1 Drummond Street
Edinburgh EH8 9XP
Walking Tour
SAT 23 June 2018, 2pm
**Meet at**
Royal Commonwealth Pool
21 Dalkeith Road
Edinburgh EH16 5BB
**Secret central Edinburgh locations to be revealed 24 hours before events**
The University of Edinburgh is investing £1.5 billion in buildings over the coming decade. Through its existing holdings, redevelopment projects and ongoing acquisitions, the University’s opaque bureaucracies are dictating the aesthetic and spatial trajectory of our shared environment. How has this happened, and do we accept this?