Architecture Fringe 2019
In Real Life

Talks at the Lane present IF_DO

Talks at the Lane present Thomas Bryans from IF_DO who will talk about Architecture as a Social Art

Natasha Huq, Jan Hajek, John Robson & Lucy Mein

FRI 14 June 2019 / 6.30pm - 9pm
£10/ £8 (reduced)


Custom Lane
1 Customs Wharf, Leith
Edinburgh EH6 6AL

Level access / Accessible WC / Assistance dogs welcome

Talks at the Lane is an eclectic and informative series of lectures and conversations around the themes of design and making.

We aim to provide engaging and lively discussions that explore what motivates our speakers to create, and the influences behind their practice. We are delighted to welcome Thomas Bryans of IF_DO, who is going to talk about their ongoing community projects, research and teaching on how design can provide social spaces as a means of addressing social isolation.

The critically acclaimed Dulwich Pavilion will be discussed as an example of how social and artistic elements can be combined in a compelling way to engage visitors and challenge perceptions. We see no boundaries between the speakers and the audience and would like to invite everyone present to be involved in the dialogue.

Please come and share some thoughts with us, light refreshments will be provided!




Also at this festival: