Test Unit

Test Unit is an art, design and architecture summer school and events programme - a hands-on learning environment engaging with ideas, materials, people and place.
Agile City, A Feral Studio, Toby Paterson & Raydale Dower, Rectangle
MON - SAT 10 - 15 June 2019 / 9am - evening
£350 (general admission) £195 (student & recent graduate - 2 years since graduation) - Other events ticketed individually. Bursary places are available and full information can be found on the Agile City website
Civic House
26 Civic Street
Glasgow G4 9RH
Lift access/ Accessible WC / Assistance dogs welcome
Test Unit is an art, design and architecture summer school and events programme. Over an intensive week we create a hands-on learning environment to explore this years theme of 'Material Flows', and engage with ideas, materials, people and place.
By bringing together people from various disciplines and skill levels we aim to create an open forum for critical dialogue and peer-to-peer learning. The project is based in Civic House and adjacent sites we use these as studios, workshops and build spaces. We also programme a public-facing events and talks programme that brings different voices to the discussion and connects with wider audiences in the city and beyond.