Waste Street Art

Artistic installations in the urban environment to promote waste awareness in Glasgow
Anderson Bell + Christie & Glasgow City Council
FRI - SUN 07 - 23 June 2019
Across Glasgow
Fully accessible / Level access / Children welcome
Glasgow City Council have put in place an innovative way of recycling and we are collaborating with them to explore ways to work with artists to express this creatively. We are keen to involve artists to customise recycling facilities to explain to the public how important it is to dispose of waste responsibly.
There is an opportunity to use existing bins as a vehicle for artists installations which is being explored with GCC. Now we are looking at:
- Working with larger bins in Kelvingrove Park. We will be designing ways to nudge the public towards them, and ways to 'wrap' bins to communicate the importance of recycling using art as a medium rather than text or graphics. These installations will be temporary for the month of June.
- Exploring options to 'wrap' the new intelligent bins which are connected to internet to detect when filled and are moved around Glasgow depending on its location efficiency.