/other: "I can't find the words..."
04 June, 20 June
Greater Glasgow & Clyde Discussion Exhibition Installation

Event Summary
"I can't find words to tell people how I feel because the people who made the language are the oppressors."
04 June, 20 June
The project takes the above quote as a starting point for a consideration on how language limits and shapes thought, conveyed through the text-based medium of posters, billboards or projections around the city.
The process of mark-making is itself an outlet for the untranslatable. The creation of these interventions, and possible speaking events at these sites, are thus to be documented and presented on an equal footing with the end products, perhaps through a virtual medium.
The project aims to reflect the constant learning and unlearning marginalised people have to do, and extend this awareness to others.
Potential outputs of the project will use Glasgow as a canvas to create a series of public interventions through out the city. With the support of New Practice, they will be able to facilitate some of these outputs.