The Data Poets - A poetic exploration of the urban environment through play
05 June, 06 June, 12 June
Greater Glasgow & Clyde Discussion Walk Other

Event Summary
A walk, a website, and a zoom discussion to create poetic interpretations of the urban environment of Glasgow.
Book hereTime
1pm - 3pm BST
05 June, 06 June, 12 June
Outside the Whisky Bond, near the Canal, 2 Dawson Rd, Glasgow G4 9SS
View on Google Maps
Additional Location Info
Outside the Whisky Bond, near the canalOrganiser
The Glasgow Office of Fun and Games
The Data Poets - A poetic exploration of the urban environment through play
The Glasgow Office of Fun and Games
How can we use creation and Play to take a fresh look at our cities?
What space is reserved for Play and poetry in our cities?
How could town planners implement Play as a creative practice in urban environments?
This event focuses on 3 intertwined themes:
- Play and its place in our relationship with our cities
- Participatory creation
- The use of artificial intelligence in creative processes.
To explore these themes, I designed “Data Poets”. They are inspired by the ubiquitous sensors in our pockets (location, sound, images, etc.). The idea is that these sensors could experience and sense spaces in a subjective way.
The “Data Poets” can spark a creative conversation, contrasting or highlighting our perceptions of urban spaces.
The aim is to share the sensory experience of a place with a creative Artificial Intelligence housed inside the devices. These AI-poets will create unique poems from the experiences (images, sounds) with which the participants have “filled” them.
If cameras had a poetic soul, would we show them things differently? What would be our motivation for taking them for a gentle walk along our favourite path? If microphones had a musical ear, how would they sing? Would we make them listen to the roar of the highway or the happy chatter of the birds in the park?
There will be 3 different types of events:
-Organised walks where we will gather creative materials of the places we visit. After the walks, these interpretations will be "shown" to a Data Poet which will give us its own interpretations of the places.
-A dedicated website where you can submit your interpretations of Glasgow (Poems/Pictures/Sounds) - The submissions will be replied to by a Data Poet in a different medium and published on the website.
-A final zoom event where the gathered material will be presented along with the project. There will be time for a discussion.
Sub Events
The Data Poets: Output
A closing Zoom call to present and discuss the project and the submissions of the participant.
17/06/2021 7pm
More info
Project Website
A dedicated website where you can submit your interpretations of Glasgow.
Open for the duration of the festival
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